Monday, September 17, 2012

Business cards!!

Good news! I'm going to start blogging more again! Aaannnnddd....I've finally got business cards! =o)

Aren't they so cute?! Just as cute as all of my muffin loves out there!!! <3

I just realized there is a Blogger app for my smartphone. Perhaps that will help me post more regularly, as it should be much easier to snap a picture of something yummy I make and upload it to my blog right away. At least in theory it should be easier....  ;-) 

Also started a facebook page for the baked goods. Planning on uploading everything I've baked thus far, and beyond, soon. 

Excited about fall weather and being able to bake more without it being 100+ degrees in the kitchen. Got a few exciting projects on the way, but keeping it hush hush for the time being....wouldn't want to spoil any surprises for any readers expecting my baked goods soon..  ;-)

Fall starts this week. Gotta find a bunch of pumpkin recipes to bake IMMEDIATELY!!!
